
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:8587次

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[Service Sector Code]

Relevant Services Provided Contact Details

Professional Insurance

Brokers Association


Issue a confirmation letter upon

request, certifying that the applicant

has engaged in substantive business

operations of an insurance broker for

the past 5 consecutive years

immediately prior to the date***

lodgement of the application for

HKSS certificate

Room 250***

25/F, China Insurance Group Building

141 Des Voeux Road Central

Central, Hong Kong

Tel2869 ***

Fax2770 ***



Securities and Futures

Commission (SFC)






Issue a letter certifying the licence

status of the applicant within the past

three consecutive years

Licensing Department

35th Floor, Cheung Kong Center

2 Queen’s Road Central

Hong Kong

Tel2231 ***

Fax2501 ***



Social Welfare



Issue licence of residential care

home for the elderly (RCHE) under

the Residential Care Homes (Elderly

Persons) Ordinance (Cap 459) of the


Licensing Office of Residential Care Homes

for the Elderly

Room 2354, 23/F, Wu Chung House

213 Queen's Road East

Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Tel2961 ***

Fax2574 ***

The Chinese Medicine

Council of Hong



Issue Certificate Verifying

Registration as Registered Chinese

Medicine Practitioner, and issue

certified true copies respectively of

an Entry in the Register of Chinese

Medicine Practitioners, and

Practising Certificate for

Registered Chinese Medicine


The Secretariat of the Chinese Medicine

Council of Hong Kong

Room 2201, 22/F, Wu Chung House

213 Queen's Road East

Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel2121 ***

Fax2121 ***


The Dental Council of

Hong Kong


Issue Certificate of Registration and

Practising Certificate to persons

practising dentistry in Hong Kong

Central Registration Office

17/F, Wu Chung House,

213 Queen’s Road East,

Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Tel2961 ***

Fax2891 ***



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[Service Sector Code]

Relevant Services Provided Contact Details

The Hong Kong

Confederation of

Insurance Brokers


Issue a confirmation letter upon

request, certifying that the applicant

has engaged in substantive business

operations of an insurance broker for

the past 5 consecutive years

immediately prior to the date***

lodgement of the application for

HKSS certificate

Room 3407, AIA Tower

183 Electric Road

Fortress Hill, Hong Kong

Tel2882 ***

Fax2890 ***



The Law Society of

Hong Kong


Issue a Certificate of Standing upon

request of a law firm, certifying the

date of establishment of the firm, the

name(s) of the sole proprietor or of all

the partners of the firm and their

practising status, etc

3/F, Wing On House

71 Des Voeux Road

Central, Hong Kong

Tel2846 ***


The Medical Council


Hong Kong


Issue Licence of Registration,

Practising Certificate and

Retention Certificate respectively to

persons practising medicine, surgery

or midwifery in Hong Kong

Central Registration Office

17/F, Wu Chung House,

213 Queen’s Road East,

Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Tel2961 ***

Fax2891 ***


Tourism Commission



Issue certified true copies of the

related entry in the Register of

Travel Agents

Travel Agents Registry

Room 4901, 49/F, Hopewell Centre

183 Queen's Road East

Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel3151 ***


Transport Department




Issue certified true copies of the

relevant Passenger Service Licence

upon request by the registered holder

Public Vehicles Unit

3/F, United Centre

95 Queensway, Hong Kong

Tel2804 ***


Welfare services for

persons with



Issue licence or certificate of

exemption of residential care home

for persons with disabilities

(RCHD) under the Residential Care

Homes (Persons with Disabilities)

Ordinance (Cap 613) of the HKSAR

Licensing Office of Residential Care Homes

for Persons with Disabilities

Room 1508, 15/F, 248 Queen's Road East

Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Tel2891 ***

Fax2153 ***


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