第一委員會是由以下成員選出的:Maurice Ingram和雷恩布蒂奧克斯(總裁),Betty Hobbs博士(大委員長),David Mossel教授(執行秘書)。
History of the ICFMH
The International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene was founded at the IAMS World Congress on Microbiology in
A major development from the initial small-sized Symposia, large international ICFMH Meetings or congresses called FOOD MICRO are now being conducted every two years in different countries. Further information on these meetings and other activities is given under Activities and Events, and on the official “flagship” (The International Journal on Food Microbiology).
Board Members
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Holzapfel
Handong Global University
E-mail: wilhelm**[ta]**dong.edu
and wilhelm**[ta]**dapple.net
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Holzapfel
Honorary President
Prof. Dr. Mogens Jakobsen
Department of Food Science/Food Microbiology
E-mail: moj**[ta]**d.ku.dk
Prof. Dr. Mogens Jakobsen
Prof. Dr. Larry R. Beuchat
Center for Food Safety
E-mail: lbeuchat**[ta]**.edu
Prof. Dr. Larry R. Beuchat
Dr. Sara Bover i Cid
Food Safety Programme
Institute for Food Research and Technology
E-mail: sara.bovercid**[ta]**a.cat
Dr. Sara Bover i Cid
Dr. Janet E.L. Corry
Department of Clinical Veterinary Science
E-mail: jelcorry**[ta]**il.com
Dr. Janet E.L. Corry
Co-opted Members
Prof. Dr. Luca Cocolin
Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences
E-mail: lucasimone.cocolin**[ta]**to.it
Prof. Dr. Luca Cocolin
Prof. Dr. ir. Frank Devlieghere
Laboratory of Food Microbiology and Food Preservation
Department of Food safety and Food Quality
E-mail: Frank.Devlieghere**[ta]**nt.be
Prof. Dr. ir. Frank Devlieghere
Prof. Dr. Weihuan Fang
E-mail: whfang**[ta]**.edu.cn
Prof. Dr. Weihuan Fang
Prof. Dr. Bernadette Franco
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Food Science and Nutrition
E-mail: bfranco**[ta]**.br
Prof. Dr. Bernadette Franco
Prof. Dr. Andreja Rajkovic
Laboratory of Food Microbiology and Food Preservation
Department of Food safety and Food Quality
E-mail: Andreja.Rajkovic**[ta]**nt.be
Prof. Dr. Bernadette Franco
Prof. Dr. Peter Raspor
Faculty of Health Sciences
E-mail: peter.raspor**[ta]**st.arnes.si
Prof. Dr. Peter Raspor
Dr. Vasilis Valdramidis
Faculty of Health Sciences.
Department of Food Studies and Environmental Health
E-mail: vasilis.valdramidis**[ta]**edu.mt
Dr. Vasilis Valdramidis
Tibor Deák
Tibor Deák
Professor Emeritus Dr. Tibor Deák microbiologist from Budapest, awarded by honorary doctorate from his Alma Mater, the University of Szeged, by Pro Facultate award from the University of Food Technology and Horticulture, by a Széchenyi Professorial Fellowship, and with the Knight Cross of the Republic of Hungary contributed to the area of food microbiology over 350 peer-reviewed publications, books, and chapters beside teaching in Hungary and abroad. He was an outstanding educator and internationally renowned food microbiologist, particularly as a specialist in yeast taxonomy, identification, and ecology. He earned his Ph.D. on The Microbiology of Lactic Acid Fermentation at
International Journal of Food Microbiology, 164 (2-3): 173, 2***
Professor Dr. Niels Skovgaard
Doctor in Veterinary Medicine (DVM), throughout his career he has directly served governments in several countries (
International Journal of Food Microbiology, 157(3): 398-399, 2***
Prof. David A.A. Mossel
Prof. David A.A. Mossel
Prof. David Mossel was a founder member in 1953 of the International Committee for Food Microbiology and Hygiene (ICFMH). He devoted his life to improving the safety and keeping quality of food worldwide. His exceptional linguistic ability (he spoke English, French, German, Spanish and Italian, as well as his native Dutch), charm and skill as a teacher were huge assets in this task. In addition to his teaching, he published over 300 research papers and about 10 food microbiology textbooks. His overall theme can be summarised as “prevention of foodborne microbial diseases, and development of methods for validation and verification of the efficacy of inversion technologies”. The ICFMH was an organisation of particular importance to David, who was president for many years, until 1994, and then Honorary Vice President until his death. It was on his initiative that the International Journal of Food Microbiology was launched in 1984, and it has since become a highly successful and truly international journal. ICFMH sponsors international food microbiology symposia biennially. The latest, Food Micro 2004, was held in
International Journal of Food Microbiology, 105(2): 275-277, ***