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developmentCity Building

350 Darnick StreetG21 4BAa Sustainable Development Award is made to one of Scotland’s largest construction companies, City Building, for its social andenvironmental achievements. The company engages vigorously with housing associations and local agencies to improve well-beingin the communities where it operates. It helped establish exemplar fuel-efficient houses, via “The Glasgow House” project, adaptedmilitary accommodation for servicemen returning from active service and operates alife-long learning centre for disabled peopleand HM Forces veterans. It applies its high social-sustainable ethos to its own workforce and business activities, encouragingthe employment of ethnic minorities and operating apioneering Women into Construction programme.in addition to running Scotland’s largest apprentice centre where training emphasises the importance of sustainabilityin construction, the company hassuccessfully reduced its ‘carbon footprint’ through introducing rigorous measures.


Employees: ***

Managing Director: Mr John Foley

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Mel Brookes

Tel: 01412 871***

Tel: 07734 597***

Email: melanie.brookes**[ta]**buildingglasgow.co.uk



Trade Agento Limited

t/a Revector Albany House

14 Shute End RG40 1BJ

Foundedin 2001, Revector (which is the brand name used by Agento Limited) is afraud detection service providerin the mobiletelecommunications market place. Operatingin afast growing market, the company has adapted its business models to developnew opportunities worldwide, resultingin an achievement of 315% growthin overseas earnings over the last three years. exportshave risen to represent 92% of turnover, with the company having entered an impressive 37 new marketsin the same peri***

Revector has investedin marketing its brand through trade fairs and trade missions and has designed resilient, flexible web basedmanagement and delivery systems using cloud-based infrastructure to enable this rapid growthin acompetitive environment.it also wins the Award for Innovation.

Autologic Diagnostics Ltd

Autologic House

OX33 1JH

Autologic Diagnostics Ltd

[Establishedin 1999] designs and manufactures automotive diagnostic software and hardware.

Specifically Autologic Diagnostics has developed ahigh-level software-based automotive diagnostic tool that enables Vehicletechnicians to repair awide range of car brands. It wins the Award for the first time for its outstanding achievementin export salesgrowth measured at 166% over three years. The company is also seen to be expanding its operation, entering marketsin Russia,China and Brazil amongst others. The company’s trading strategy involves acomprehensive support service which is open 24hours aday and offers multilingual technical support along with aproduct training service.

Beardow & Adams (Adhesives) Limited

32 Blundells Road Bradville

MK13 7HF

Establishedin 1977, Beardow and Adams (Adhesives) Limitedare manufacturers and long standing exporters of hot meltadhesives for adiverse range of markets sectors. The company sells its products across six continents, with global partnersin over45 countries and have seen substantial growthin sales to emerging markets, particularlyin South America and Eastern Europewhilst sustaining its operationsin Western Europe and the USA. They demonstrate akeen focus on customer development andservice combined with an ability to manage and maintain areputation for technological R&D and knowledgein their drive to meetnew market demands ahead of their competitors.


CEO: Mr Philip Andrew Gent

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Chris Bignall

Tel: 07834 020***

Email: chris**[ta]**omms.com


Chairman: Mr Kevin Finn

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Mr Kevin Finn

Tel: 07739 615***

Email: karen.poffley**[ta]**logic.com


Chairman: Mr Robert Adams

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Sandra Birley

Tel: 01908 577***

Email: sandra.birley**[ta]**dowadams.com


Cirrus Logistics Ltd

9A Cedarwood

Chineham Business ParkCrockford Lane

RG24 8WD

Basingstoke based Cirrus Logistics Ltdhas won aQueen’s Award for International trade for an outstanding performance over thelast three years. Formally established as Cirrus Logisticsin 2001, they provide berth scheduling software and consultancy to enableclients to optimise the operation of shipping terminals, and awarehouse design and simulation software tool used extensively by retailers and logistics companies that design and operate warehouses. Cirrus scheduling, simulation, and optimisation technology enables the testing and improvement of key featuresin asafe IT environment. Exports now accountf or 83% of increasing turnovercontributing to overseas earnings growth of 148%. The company services an increasing number of clientsin 25 countries andhas established salesin 11 new markets including the USAin the last 3 years. The company’s port scheduling software for largelogistical operations is currentlyin usein Qatar’s RasLaffan Port, one of the largestin the world.

Creativity Software Ltd

Rivers Reach

31-35 High StreetKingston upon Thames


Creativity Software Ltd

develops and supplies telecommunications software to Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) worldwi***

Establishedin 2001, its solutions enable MNOs to capitalise on the enormous marketf or commercial mobile Location basedServices (LBS). It also provides support to government emergency services (e.g.E112/E911). With over 1,000 MNOs across theworld, the marketf or LBS is truly global. Creativity Software has worked hard to develop afirm customer base amongst the largestMNO groups such as Vodafone, MTN, Cable & Wireless and America Movil. Export sales currently represent 100% of turnover, andthe company has achieved outstanding growth of 744% over the past 3 years. The global LBS market is worth up to £15billion perannum, and the company has succeededin positioning itself as aglobal technology leader. This is an outstanding achievement fo ra small company operatingin acompetitive market with agreat many larger global players.

Electrocomponents plc

8050 Alec Issigonis Way Oxford Business Park NorthOX4 2HW

Foundedin 1937, Electrocomponents PLC

 trading as RS Componentsin the UK, Europe and Asia and Allied Electronicsin NorthAmerica, is ahigh service level distributor of electronics and maintenance products. Electrocomponents plc continues to developits business globally through amullti-channel approach reaching its 1.6m customers with aportfolio of 550,000 products.

The company’s eCommerce strategy has driven significant growthin size, turnover and profit. They win the Award for the first timeFor their continuous improvementin each of the commercial areas considered including overseas sales where an overall growth inoverseas earnings of 73% is recorded over the six year period.


CEO: Mr David Stanhope

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Dawn McMurrow

Tel: 07585 228***

Email: dawn.mcmorrow**[ta]**uslogistics.com


CEO: Mr Richard Lee

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Rachel Clarke

Tel: 020 8974 ***

Email: rachel**[ta]**tivitysoftware.net


Employees: ***

Group Chief executive: Mr Ian Mason

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Lynn Webster-Scott

Tel: 01865 207***

Tel: 07796 336***

Email: lynn.webster-scott**[ta]**trocomponents.com


Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd

Easting Close

BN14 8HQ

Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltdhas operated since 1983 and manufactures digital thermometers and other instruments.it wins an Award for the first time for its continuous improvementin export activity having grown its sales by 78% over the lastsix years. This performance is linked with its approach to operating separate distributorsin each sales region andin its choice of markets. The company exports to over 40 countries globally.

Elekta Ltd.

establishedin 1996, is amedical device manufacturer that specialisesin oncology systems, specifically the design andmanufacture of solutions for radiotherapy treatment of cancer. It wins the Award for the first time for its continuous improvementin overseas sales along with asteady growthin the company’s overall performance. Over the period of six years, growthin exportsis calculated at 131%. The company strategy is to maintain its reputation and customer base through arelationship-focusedapproach that incorporates trust and responsibility. This is backed by innovative technology development commonly carried out inpartnership with its customers.

Establishedin 1989, Focusrite Audio Engineering Limited

design and distribute their own-branded music and recording products.in particular they develop innovative hardware and software products for musicians and the audio recording industry. It wins theAward for the first time for its outstanding achievementin overseas sales growth achieving 158% growthin overseas earnings overthe last three years. The percentage of sales exported is also seen to be increasing. This success is related to the implementation of an export strategy that has applied agood mix of marketing, direct sales and distribution agents. The use of globally located

distribution centres has also supported the company’s export effortin the management of delivery times.



Managing Director & Owner: Mr Peter Webb

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Mrs Luisa Coates

Tel: 01903 202***

Email: luisa.coates**[ta]**td.co.uk


EVP Business Area Oncology Systems: Mr Johan Sedihn

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Brett North

Tel: 01293 654***

Email: gbnorbre**[ta]**ta.com

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Giles Orford

Tel: 01494 836***

Email: giles.orford**[ta]**srite.com


G3Baxi Partnership Limited

an engineering consultancy, wins aQueen’s Award for outstanding achievement over the last threeyears. Basedin the London area this first time winner and relative newcomer is an employee-owned engineering company specialisingin the oil and gas and renewable energy business areas. Primarily, their success has been based on reputation-ledprovision of innovative solutions that help solve the oil companies’ most difficult production challenges. Over the period, salesincreased significantly with exports accounting for 80% of turnover and contributing to overseas earnings growth of 65%. They operate and contribute to projectsin Norway, Denmark, the Middle East, North Africa, the Caspian, Australia and Canada. Thecompany has appointed agentsin the UAE, Oman and Saudi Arabia and has abranch officein Azerbaijan.

Marine Data Systems Ltd

Unit 2, Vittlefields Industrial Estate Forest Road PO30 4LY Marine Data Systems Ltd

was incorporatedin 2004 and designs, manufactures and sells electronic marine navigation equipment.it wins the Award for the first time for its outstanding achievement having shown year on year growth of its overseas sales withoverall growth of 134% recorded. The company has concentrated on improving its customer relations and extending its supply to OEM manufacturers and various navies.in addition the company has focused on the shipping refit business as asales route giventhe prolonging of the working life of shipping stockin the current economic climate.

Meech International Ltd

2 Network Point

Range Road OX29 0YN

Meech International Ltd

was foundedin 1981 and designs, manufactures and supplies equipment to businesses worldwide fo rusein awide range of industrial processes. Meech products include specialist high voltage equipmentf or the control of staticelectricity and arange of systems to remove contamination from 2D and 3D objects. Meech wins the Award for asecond time fo rits outstanding achievementin export sales, having continued to grow the business as awhole since 2008, with overall growth inoverseas sales reported of 63%. This success is driven by astrategy that focuses sales activity into geographic areas and marketsegments where the company’s products can be differentiated over those of competitors, and where the company can identify andbuild relationships with customers.

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Janet Laing / Marie Jarvie

Tel: 07507 775***

Tel: 01372 224***

Email: janet.laing**[ta]**p.com or marie.jarvie**[ta]**p.com


CEO: Mr Tim Ingram

Contactf or Press Enquiries: John Poyner

Tel: 01983 822***

Email: john.poyner**[ta]**ne-data.co.uk


CEO: Mr Christopher Francis

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Iain Cameron

Tel: 01993 706***

Email: iain.cameron**[ta]**h.com

Mind Tools Ltd t/a MindTools.com


The Studiothe Winery Southlands Lane

West Chiltington


RH20 2JU

MindTools Ltd t/a MindTools.com has won aQueen’s Award for International Trade for continuous improvement over the last sixyears. Establishedin 1996 and with its UK basein West Sussex, the company provides practical, online trainingin leadership,management and personal effectiveness, to individual and corporate clients. Sales have increased steadily and exports account fo rover 80% of these. Operating aweb-based service with clientsin more than 125 countries, the company’s subscription service, theMid Tools Club, serves more than 7,500 individual and corporate clients around the world. Mind Tools invests heavilyin developingits free online training content to attract paying clients: the strategy is successful, and the website received more than 15 million

visitors ayear. The company has asmall footprintin the UK but its business model allows it to trade internationally with few

inhibitions or barriers.


Onelan Limited

Andersen House

Newtown Road Henley on Thames


Onelan Ltd

is adigital media technology company providing communication platform equipment.in particular they manufactureand distributes multi-media players and IPTV streaming products. It wins the Award for the first time for its outstandingachievementin overseas sales growth with figures that show a295% growthin exports over the three year period along with asignificant increasein the percentage of sales exported. This export success is supported by after sales and technical support fo rtheir customers and the establishment of local technical supportf or overseas markets. The export strategy is,in part, aresult of aneed to counterbalance the potential impact on domestic and european markets of external influences.

Oxford Programs Ltd t/a Oxford Royale Academy St Catherines College

Manor Road Oxford Programs Ltd t/a Oxford Royale Academy has won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding achievementover the last three years. Establishedin 2005 student enrolments have grown exponentially year on year and exports haveaccounted for 98% of total sales. The company offers academic and language training programmes to international studentswishing to spend their summerin either Oxford or Cambridge. The company has developed ahighly successful strategy usinginnovative technology to market, recruit, and manage students from over 85 countries.in addition, they have harnessed Facebookand other social media to nurture arelationship directly with the students. This is aprogressive company with apositive andproactive attitude making full use of technology, which has allowed them to bypass more traditional marketing strategies.


CEO: Mr James Mankte***

Contactf or Press Enquiries: James Mankte***

Tel: 07767 478***

Email: press.2012**[ta]**tools.com


Managing Director: Dr David Dalzell

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Marion Bourne

Tel: 01491 411***

Email: marion.bourne**[ta]**an.com

Contactf or Press Enquiries: William Humphreys

Tel: 08451 306***

Email: william**[ta]**rd-royale.co.uk


P & B Metal Components Ltd

Tyler Way Whitstable


P & B Metal Components Ltd

manufacture precision metal components for the switch industry from its basesin Sheffield, SouthYorkshire and Whitstable, Kent. Principal industries served are global domestic switch manufacturers, automotive and HVACindustry. Establishedin 1961, today they export over 80% of their production to over 30 countries worldwide with aturnover of 28.5 million GBP. Nearly half of the company’s exports are sent to the Asia Pacific region, demonstrating the company’s ability to compete with the low manufacturing costs of emerging countries.

Powertraveller Ltd

Ceratech House

1 Omega ParkWilsom Road Alton

GU34 2QE

Powertraveller Ltd.

establishedin 2008 (formerly IDC Plugs Ltd t/a Powertraveller Ltd

establishedin 1986), manufactures portable power devices for electronic devices which it supplies predominantly to the outdoor sector. It wins the Award for the first time fo rits outstanding achievementin export sales growth which is calculated at 99% overall for the three year period. This success isseen to be linked to the company’s decision to expand its overseas brand exposure and to drive export sales though attendance at anumber of focused ourdoor trade events. The new sales secured by this promotional activity are consolidated through thecontracting and use of distribution agentsin key territories. The company exports to over 20 countries with new marketsin Canadaand South East Asia having been entered.

Racelogic Limited

Swan Business CentreOsier Way MK18 1TBa previous winner of the award, Racelogic Ltd.

situatedin Buckingham was establishedin 1992. Highly innovative it suppliesspeed, distance and acceleration measurement devices to the automotive sector based on extremely accurate GPS technology.

The company has won the Queens Award for International Trade with exports accounting for over 80% of turnover and overseasearnings growth of 117%. Their brand is establishedin more than 85 countries and customers include almost every carmanufacturerin the world including Ferrari, Porsche, VW, Honda and Mercedes Benz. The strength of the company is its ability to innovatein an increasingly complex sector, with recent growth coming from the provision of solutions to test the latestin advanced

driver assistance systems. All of the company’s products are manufacturedin the UK and they have awell-established customersupport infrastructure making full use of web-based technology. Racelogic also wins the Award for Innovation.



Managing Director: Mr Paul Bushell

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Natasha Girling

Tel: 01227 791***

Email: natasha.girling**[ta]**d-b.com



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