
來源:網群國際    瀏覽:

加拿大-中國農業與食品發展交中心 ( Canada-China Agriculture and Food Development Exchange Centre 簡稱CCAgr)"是經過加拿大聯邦政府有關部門批準成的組織。也是加拿大政府部門資助項目。

我們的宗旨: 積極推動中加農業, 中加食品業科技與經濟合作, 交流。 以伙伴合作推動中加農業,中加食品業傳統友誼和共同發展。

我們的目標: 成為中國與加拿大農業,加拿大食品業科技與經濟合作中最主要的機構之一。

我們的原則: 誠實, 正直, 盡責。

“加中農業與食品發展交中心"的創建有幸得到中華人民共和國駐加拿大, 多倫多總領事館的關懷與幫助。加中農業與食品發展交中心"的成也得到一大批熱衷中加友誼的加拿大農業, 加拿大食品業科學專家, 企業家, 投資家, 政府高級官員的大相助。其中包括少曾受加拿大農業與加拿大食品部派遣, 援助中國多的“白求恩"式加拿大農業, 加拿大食品業科學專家。

該組織總部設在加拿大, 安大略省, 哈蜜頓市。也就是位于加拿大農業, 加拿大食品業科學 "硅谷": 多倫多-圭爾夫-哈密頓-大瀑布 (Toronto-Guelph-Hamilton-Niagara, Ontario) 的中心地帶。 加中農業與食品發展交流中心的科技及管理人員均有二十五年以上中加農業,中加食品高等教育, 并有實際加拿大農業, 加拿大食品業工作經驗。該交流中心和加拿大農業,加拿大食品業界一大批大學, 高科技院, , 知名開發,生產公司及加拿大農業,加拿大食品業各級政府部門有著緊密聯系。 我們將充分發揮自身優勢為中加農業, 中加食品合作交提供全方位, 深層服務。“眾人拾柴火焰高", “加中農業與食品發展交流中心”愿與國內同仁一起, 攜手合作, 為中加農業,中加食品業友好合作, 為中華民族的和平崛起, 農業, 食品業現代化, 而共同努力。


1. AA-學術合作伙伴數據庫 (Academic-Academic): 包括科技與高等教育管理機構, 大學, 研究院, , 高新技術開發區, 高科技公司,學術協會等。 比如兩所中國-加拿大農業,加拿大食品業大學的合作, 或兩個加中農業,加中食品及生物高新技術開發區, 兩所中加農業, 中加食品研究機構的伙伴合作。

2. BB -產業合作伙伴數據庫 (Business-Business): 包括大中型中國, 加拿大農場, 農業開發區, 食品加工公司等。比如中加兩個大型溫室公司, 兩個大型花卉公司, 兩個奶牛公司, 兩大中加食品加工公司的伙伴合作。

3. CC -地方政府合作伙伴數據庫(City-City, County-County): 包括市-, -縣 政府部門之間合作。比方中國-加拿大兩個城市都有相同特色產業, 如花卉產業, 有機食品產業 , 農業觀光產業等; 中加兩縣均具有很強生態農業建設, 兩縣均具有很強養殖業, 大豆或小麥生產等.

The explosive growth of China agriculture and urbanization of the Chinese economy has created opportunities in Canada in the field of agriculture and food development. China not only offers a huge potential market for Canadian agri-foods, but also creates opportunities in the areas of Canada-China agriculture education, research, development and production and agricultural-related life science events. "Going global" is no longer just an option for most organizations, but a necessity. Both public and private sectors may find it is very useful to link into Chinese networks of customers, partners, and potential investors. Cultural, language and regulatory system differences have been major limitations in this exchange and cooperation.

The Canada–China Agriculture and Food Development Exchange Centre (CCAgr) was founded upon these principles. Youming Zhao, a professional

agrologist in Canada, the founder of Canada–China Agriculture and Food Development Exchange Center, has built wide a contact base in the Canadian and Chinese agricultural and agri-food industries through more than twenty years work in both countries. The CCAgr has the support of many Canadian and Chinese agricultural professionals, university professors, senior government officers and entrepreneurs. The CCAgr utilizes the culture, language and technical skills, in combination with Canadian industry knowledge of Canadian professionals to bridge this gap.

Our Vision :

To be a leading organization in promoting Canada-China agriculture, agri-food industry cooperation.

To be the largest platform in Canadian Chinese communities for promoting our local agri-foods, farming and agricultural tourism.

Our Commitment:

We aim to be a key, long-term partner for our customers and we want our services to add significant value for their business.

Our Mission:

To dedicate to Canadian agriculture, the Canadian regulatory system and the opportunities Canada has in the booming Chinese marketplace. To actively promote Canadian and Chinese cooperation and exchange in agriculture, agri-food and life sciences through a wide range of services for our members and the public. We believe the best way to achieve the goal is to build strong partnerships. We currently are creating and updating three CCAgr-partner databases.

1. AA database- The Academic to Academic database, which includes universities, colleges, science and technology institutes, research parks, discovery districts, innovation and technology commercial centres, as well as professionals with academic backgrounds.

2. BB database: The Business to Business database, which includes producers, growers, farmers, manufacturers, exporters and investors, as well as professionals with expertise in these sectors.

3. CC database: The city to city, country to country database. Both partners enjoy similarities, such as both having a large life sciences cluster or both having a strong flower industry or livestock sector. This database also includes professionals with agriculture and agri-food management and technical expertise in their regions.

The time is ripe for an agricultural-based cooperation and exchange between Canada and China, as China's economy is expanding and Canada is looking for new markets.


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