
來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:

加拿大-中國綠色環(huán)保交流協(xié)會創(chuàng)立于1997 4 月。協(xié)會總部設立在世界最著名的班芙國家保護區(qū)內,是目前加拿大與中華人民共和國二國之間唯一的,也是最早的,致力于環(huán)境保護和交流的非盈利組織機構。


今年是協(xié)會創(chuàng)辦15 周年,正如中華人民共和國國家主席****1997 11月造訪協(xié)會班芙總部時所闡述的:“加中環(huán)保綠色交流大有作為”。隔年,國務院總理****,于1999 11 月造訪協(xié)會班芙總部時也鮮明地表述了:

“加中環(huán)保綠色的交流與合作是推進雙邊關系的新動力。” 十二年來,協(xié)會安排接待了中國黨和國家領導人16 位,部級和省級以上中國環(huán)保高級考察團組245 個,大學校長副校長,教授高級科研人員587 位,各省市地方考察團1276 個。通過交流,在一些領域取得實效。阿伯特省生物柴油與中國大連市的合作,中加太陽能利用的合作,青海省國家自然保護區(qū)的開發(fā)管理合作,重慶西南大學與加拿大卡加力大學共同辦學培養(yǎng)中加環(huán)保專業(yè)人材,內蒙古風能有效利用合作等。


Sino-Canada Green-Ideas-Exchanging Association

The Green Ideas Exchanging Association was legally founded in December, 1997 in Banff Alberta, Canada.The purpose of the "Green Ideas Exchanging", "Not For Profit Association", is to act both as a conduit, and as a catalyst to significantly enhance the sincere, timely exchange of information to the People's Republic of China from Canada or any other country that would ultimately bring China to a position of being able to significantly decrease pollution and the decimation of the environment of all kinds.

This purpose fulfilled, in the end, will allow China to, not only protect many wilderness natural parks in their homeland, but significantly reverse the water, air, and land pollution for, not only itspopulation's long term physical well being and sustainable development, but the world at large'shuman health well being.

That said, it is prudent to recognize that no one country can improve their own quality of life at theexpense of the quality of people's lives elsewhere in other countries. This also applies to improving one end of China's population's quality of life at the expense of threatening and taking away another end of China's population's Quality of life......The balance here, in this case, in the long run, is a "0" gain for the whole picture.

One of our functions, in the end, will be to help China to acquire the philosophical motivation, the practical framework, and the technical tools so as to build the framework for a sustainable consumption and production interplay of its population, with an equally sustainable healthy,environmentally vibrant land, water and air mass that couches this same growth oriented population. Some of this activity will be executed by site inspection, field training, and environmental education at accredited Chinese educational facilities, together with imported technical trainers from other countries. (eg. Canada)

The funding collected to the principals of G.I.E. will be used by this group to properly function on a full time basis in international offices, supported by accepted staff and associated research consultants on an as needed basis, in whatever fields of endeavour that becomes a timely requirement to satisfy the "Mission Statement's" end.

In so doing we will bring government's relevant industry, educational facilities, and scientific communities together that will work together at creating the best possible balance between encroaching industrial and population growth against the already self balanced "Natural"environment. (Land, Sea, Air, and inherent Wildlife.)

Thus with this initial and ongoing investment of money, time, expertise, and will, at all levels of execution, providing a truly sustainable working environment of nature and people; it will, in the end, provide returns in the form of much less health costs of the population (saving dollars to industry and government) and much higher productivity from a physically and mentally healthier,said, population.

Also all countries' industries and technical advisors that partake in this sustainable development endeavour for China's and the world's co-operative benefit will, not only come ahead in paid for technical and environmental trade sales, but the world will be a cleaner, more harmonious place for all humans interacting with the land, air and water that sustains all life that humans share the planet with.


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